Our story

About us

Grandpa’s Gallery

Grandpa’s Gallery and Interiors has always been a dream of mine. It all started when I was a young boy, listening to my father’s tales of sailing the world with the Merchant Navy. His captivating stories were accompanied by pictures of majestic ships, forever etched in the annals of history.

My mother, on the other hand, had a deep passion for family and art. Her walls were adorned with beautiful frames, each holding cherished memories and faces.

So, why a maritime gallery, you ask? The answer lies in our DNA. Our wide family, hailing from Liverpool, shares a deep connection with the sea. This affinity for saltwater courses through our veins, uniting not only our immediate family but our entire lineage.

Eventually, our family found a home in the coastal town of Seaton, England. As I delved into the world of interior design, I discovered a great love for creating homes that harmoniously blended practicality and beauty across Europe and America.

And now, here we are today. As a proud Grandpa to the incredible Cayo King, I decided it was time to open the doors to Grandpa’s Gallery. This space is dedicated to the art that holds a special place in my heart, alongside a shop that houses carefully curated items—both new and old—that I believe will infuse any room, house, or home with a touch of beauty and culture. Oh, and I must bring you up to date: Cayo-King now has a beautiful little sister named Malone-Grace. Rest assured, the future of the business is in good hands.

Seaton Art, Frame, and Print welcomes you to embark on a journey filled with art, stories, and the undeniable allure of the sea. Join us and let your walls come alive.


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Seaton Art, Frame & Print

Integer sed viverra lorem. Vivamus cursus nulla non nisl lacinia porta. Sed hendrerit nunc non sapien euismod, non hendrerit dui porta. Ut enim purus, venenatis blandit molestie eleifend, dapibus sed arcu. Vivamus dictum nunc vitae sollicitudin tincidunt. Nullam ac odio non risus rhoncus vulputate. 

Let’s work together

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